This factor is responsible for the steady increase, year by year, in the use of "K.I" products. How satisfactory this service has been evidenced by the fact that great a share of our business comes from repeat orders. Many of these repeat orders come to us unsolicited, from users who have given our product a trial and have convinced themselves that they will do the work for which they are recommended.
To ensure accuracy of all working parts "K.I" products are built on machines designed especially for the use. All the parts are machined to within limits of 1/1000 of an inch. All the products and there parts are made by the special tools designed for special work. So that accuracy is maintained throughout the batch.
After "K.I" products are assembled they are taken to the testing facility and are thoroughly tested. For E.G after the is assembled is given a running test for vacuum and pressure. In this test the are power driven, handling oil against pressures in excess. We build is subject to this test, which ensures satisfactory service.
The working tests are held under the supervision of the inspection Department, which during the tests not only inspects for perfect working condition, but also for perfect casting and finish. These factors are your insurance that you will get products that do their work properly under exacting conditions.